Resources for Youth
Mental Health, Addictions, & Crisis Support
Counselling Connect
Quick access to a free phone or video counselling session, available in English and French. You choose a convenient date and time.
Health Care
Healthcare for individuals experiencing homelessness.
5 Myrand Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 5N7
Shelters and Drop-Ins
Showers, washrooms, laundry, computer and phone access, coffee and snacks
ODSP application help
454 King Edward Ave.
Minwaashin Lodge
Range of programs and services for First Nations, Inuit and Métis women and children (regardless of status) who are survivors of domestic and other forms of violence, and who may also be suffering the effects of the residential school system.
2323 St. Laurent Blvd (Conroy Industrial Park)
Pregnancy and Parenting
Miriam Centre
We provide love and compassion
to all those who find the circumstances surrounding their pregnancy difficult.
All our services are free and confidential.
Call 613.830.8623
Food and Supplies
Education and Employment
Pre-Employment Training - John Howard Society
"PET Skills helps to achieve education, training and employment goals by offering services that assist in improving reading, writing, numeracy and computer skills. Instruction is offered through individualized learning and small group workshops. This program offers flexible times and allows individuals to work at their own pace."
Employment Services - John Howard Society
"The Community Employment Resource Centre, through the Employment Service program, assists individuals to access training, and prepare for, find and maintain employment. It also provides assistance to employers to find and hire qualified employees. The Resource room offers a welcoming environment for individuals with information, resources and 14 computers available for public use."
Anti-Human Trafficking and Exploitation Support
Education and Employment
Legal Support
Ottawa Legal Clinic
"Our mandate is to provide free summary legal advice to individuals who are facing unemployment or are experiencing other work-related legal issues and who cannot afford to pay for a lawyer. Due to COVID-19, all of our services will be provided remotely through telephone, email, and videoconferencing. "